The federal government says it is working tirelessly to cut down recurrent expenditure, including personal cost, insecurity, unstable economic reality and its effect in increasing national spending and proper implementation of the budget.



Minister of economic budget and planning Atiku Bagudu said this today during a televised interview, noting that the President Tinubu administration is prepared to faze out all bottle necks and leak pockets, straining the national purse, to ensure that more funds are made available to execute public projects.


Bagudu also stated that the President’s idea of coordinating minister and a minister is to enhance team work and create room for efficiency, to foster progress on every side, ensuring that no one has excuse to underperform or fail.


Speaking on the budget, the minister argued that the 2024 budget is a feasible document that will propel the nation to its next phase of regeneration, submitting that the challenges of revenue generation to meet up national demand will be adequately addressed in no distant time.


Bagudu however harped on the need for government, private and citizen partnership, saying that the government is not in isolation, and cannot succeed without the valuable contributions of other stakeholders.




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