UK prime minister, Rishi Sunak has succeeded in getting his key Rwanda bill through the house of commons after a tory rebellion failed to materialise.


The bill, which aims to stop legal challenges against ministers’ plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, was approved by 320 votes to 276 votes.


Dozens of Tories thought the bill was flawed and had threatened to rebel but, in the end, former secretary, Suella Braverman surrendered stating the public depends on the government to get things right.


Minister for legal migration and border, Tom Pursglove argued that deporting some asylum seekers to Rwanda will be a deterrent to migrants seeking to get to the UK by crossing the channel in small boats, but shadow minister for immigration, Stephen Kinnock labelled the plan an expensive “gimmick”.



The bill now goes to the house of lords where it will face stiff opposition.


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