The killing of three U.S. troops and wounding of dozens more by Iran-backed militants is piling political pressure on President Joe Biden to deal a blow directly against Iran, a move he has been reluctant to do out of fear of igniting a broader war.


American forces in the Middle East have been attacked more than 150 times by Iran-backed forces in Iraq, Syria, Jordan and off the coast of Yemen since the Israel-Hamas war erupted in October but Sunday’s attack on a remote outpost known as Tower 22 near Jordan’s north-eastern border with Syria, killed U.S. troops which has sparked wild actions by American citizens.


Reacting to the attack, President Biden paid respect to the deceased soldiers, called for calm while noting that consultations are on to determine the next line of action


Former UK ambassador to the UN, Mark Grant stated that Biden’s response options could range anywhere from targeting Iranian forces outside to even inside Iran, or opting for a more cautious retaliatory attack solely against the Iran-backed militants responsible.


Republican U.S. Senator Tom Cotton has accused Biden of letting American forces become sitting ducks, waiting for the day when a drone or missile would evade base defences, insisting that Biden must strike Iran.

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